Today is the big day for my tiny compiler project - Aqua virtual machine and Vapor programming language.
Building a Red Power Operating System Episode 1: Hello World
Hi everyone. This is a blog for recording all my personal technical stuff. This time, I'm working on the creation of a fully-featured operating system named WishOS for computers in RedPower 2 (a mod for MineCraft). I will continually write small episodes to record my progress onto this project. Once finished, this would become a hacking tutorial for everyone.
To start my work, I have done some research for redpower computers. Basically these computers have a microcontroller derived from the 6502 (the one in Commodore 64!). Although it emulates nearly a fully functional hardware, it lacks good software support. The original bundled operating system, MineOS, has only a FORTH compiler and nothing else. Despite the poor functionality of FORTH, since the system has only a compiler, the code of a program cannot be viewed or changed once it's entered into the system. It has nothing for file systems, either.
So it is obvious I need start building a temporary toolchain for bootstrapping my final system. The temporary toolchain contains only a text editor and a compiler. I will use the text editor to edit system code, and the compiler to make the bootable floppy disk. The binary always starts from the 0 sector. The code will be placed at a fixed starting sector. This design eliminates the need for file systems.
In this episode, I'm going to write a FORTH program which builds a bootable floppy disk, which just prints the legendary "Hello World!" text when being booted.
Firstly we need to understand the way redpower computer boots. The BIOS code can be found at and I will not duplicate the words. The BIOS basically reads floppy disk sectors and put them into memory address at 0x0500.
When looking at the wiki page, you may have noticed the term "emulation mode". This is a mode used by the 65C816 processor (a 16-bit processor) to behave as the 8-bit processor 6502 for providing backwards compatibility. The RedPower CPU is actually a combination of 6502, 65C02 and 65C816 with custom modifications, so it comes with the emulation mode, too. The key point here is that emulation mode makes it possible that you can switch the registers and memory accesses between 8-bit and 16-bit.
Then I just start building the code. I need a basic buffer management utility to manage compiled code buffer.
Then I have to write instruction emitters for every instruction I'd like to use. To avoid useless work, I wrote the hello world program in assembly at this time point to check what instructions are needed.
Now I can define useful instruction emitters. I quickly recognized some instructions have more than one address modes (see for explanation for each address mode), to distinguish between them, I added suffixes to instruction names.
The last one is a special suffix which can be appended to all above suffixes to indicate the 8-bit form of that instruction. (By default 16-bit forms of instructions are used.)
After all these preparations, it is now easy to program the instruction emitters. (Remember to run HEX to enter hexadecimal number mode.)
Lastly we define a helper function to move buffer pointer to a fixed position:
We are almost there. Let's assemble the final hello world code.
Our program is done. Try to "burn" it into the floppy disk:
Insert this disk to another computer and boots it, you will finally see "Hello World!" on the screen:
Enjoy our first bootable floppy!
Firstly we need to understand the way redpower computer boots. The BIOS code can be found at and I will not duplicate the words. The BIOS basically reads floppy disk sectors and put them into memory address at 0x0500.
When looking at the wiki page, you may have noticed the term "emulation mode". This is a mode used by the 65C816 processor (a 16-bit processor) to behave as the 8-bit processor 6502 for providing backwards compatibility. The RedPower CPU is actually a combination of 6502, 65C02 and 65C816 with custom modifications, so it comes with the emulation mode, too. The key point here is that emulation mode makes it possible that you can switch the registers and memory accesses between 8-bit and 16-bit.
Then I just start building the code. I need a basic buffer management utility to manage compiled code buffer.
VARIABLE buf 16384 ALLOT buf ! VARIABLE pos : CLR buf @ pos ! ; : WB pos @ ! pos @ 1 + pos ! ; : WD pos @ ! pos @ 2 + pos ! ;
Then I have to write instruction emitters for every instruction I'd like to use. To avoid useless work, I wrote the hello world program in assembly at this time point to check what instructions are needed.
0500 18 CLC ; clear carry 0501 FB XCE ; set native mode 0502 C2 30 REP #$30 ; use 16-bit registers 0504 A9 01 00 LDA #$1 ; default id of monitor 0507 EF 00 MMU #$0 ; set redbus 0509 A9 00 03 LDA #$300 050C EF 01 MMU #$1 ; set redbus memory mapping 050E EF 02 MMU #$2 ; enable redbus 0510 A9 01 00 LDA #$1 ; row 1 0513 8D 00 03 STA $300 0516 E2 30 SEP #$30 ; use 8-bit registers 0518 A2 00 LDX #$0 ; loop variable loop: 051A BD 40 05 LDA $540, X ; load current character 051D C9 00 CMP #$00 ; zero-terminated string 051F F0 07 BEQ final 0521 9D 10 03 STA $310, X ; save current character to screen buffer 0524 E8 INX 0525 4C 1A 05 JMP loop final: 0528 4C 28 05 JMP final ; dead loop 0540 48 65 6C "Hello World!", $00 6C 6F 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 21 00
Now I can define useful instruction emitters. I quickly recognized some instructions have more than one address modes (see for explanation for each address mode), to distinguish between them, I added suffixes to instruction names.
Suffixes | Address Mode | Example |
No suffixes | Direct absolute/relative address, or instructions having only one address mode | LDA $33 |
I | Immediate value | LDA #128 |
X | Absolute address + X | LDA $100, X |
Y | Absolute address + Y | LDA $100, Y |
ID | Indirect | JMP ($200) |
IX | Indexed indirect (X) | LDA ($100, X) |
IY | Indirect indexed (Y) | LDA ($100), Y |
Z | Zero page | LDA $FF |
ZX | Zero page + X | LDA $FF, X |
ZY | Zero page + Y | LDA $FF, Y |
8 | 8 bit form | See below |
The last one is a special suffix which can be appended to all above suffixes to indicate the 8-bit form of that instruction. (By default 16-bit forms of instructions are used.)
After all these preparations, it is now easy to program the instruction emitters. (Remember to run HEX to enter hexadecimal number mode.)
: CLC 18 WB ; : XCE FB WB ; : REP C2 WB WB ; : SEP E2 WB WB ; : MMU EF WB WB ; : LDAI A9 WB WD ; : STA 8D WB WD ; : LDXI8 A2 WB WB ; : LDAX BD WB WD ; : STAX 9D WB WD ; : CMPI8 C9 WB WB ; : BEQ F0 WB WB ; (Relative addresses are always 8 bit) : INX E8 WB ; : JMP 4C WB WD ;
Lastly we define a helper function to move buffer pointer to a fixed position:
: ORG 500 - buf @ + pos ! ;
We are almost there. Let's assemble the final hello world code.
CLR CLC XCE 30 REP 1 LDAI 0 MMU 300 LDAI 1 MMU 2 MMU 1 LDAI 300 STA 30 SEP 0 LDXI8 540 LDAX 0 CMPI8 7 BEQ 310 STAX INX 51A JMP 528 JMP 540 ORG 48 WB 65 WB 6C WB 6C WB 6F WB 20 WB 57 WB 6F WB 72 WB 6C WB 64 WB 21 WB 0 WB
Our program is done. Try to "burn" it into the floppy disk:
buf @ 0 DISKWS DISKNAME" Hello"
Insert this disk to another computer and boots it, you will finally see "Hello World!" on the screen:
Enjoy our first bootable floppy!
最近对MineCraft中RedPower2 的Computer产生兴趣。
APIO'09 归来
这几天还是抽空写写总结。先把那个 A* 的小结写完,再把答应的某模拟赛题目出出来,最后再写个 APIO'09 总结。嗯,过两天回家再把 APIO'09 的题目加到 RQNOJ 上吧,第二题还是很不错的。第一题和第三题对基本功的考察也还是很不错的。
这几天还是抽空写写总结。先把那个 A* 的小结写完,再把答应的某模拟赛题目出出来,最后再写个 APIO'09 总结。嗯,过两天回家再把 APIO'09 的题目加到 RQNOJ 上吧,第二题还是很不错的。第一题和第三题对基本功的考察也还是很不错的。
A*算法浅谈(60% finished)
A*可以看成BFS的加强版,或者说BFS就是A*的特殊情况。这里我们在BFS的基础上来逐步介绍A*。我们只考虑路经寻找问题,即寻找从初始状态到目标状态的一条最短路径。我们定义 D[u] 为初始状态到状态 u 的最短路径长度,w[u, v] 为状态 u 到状态 v 的路径长度。
首先我们回顾BFS的过程,我们需要一个队列 queue 保存待扩展节点,一个 hash 表保存待扩展和已经扩展的节点,BFS 过程可以表示如下:
不难发现,这个过程与 SPFA 很像。
但是这个算法的效率是很低的,特别对于很多状态空间是无限的问题,BFS可能会迟迟找不到解。究其原因,我们发现,BFS过程完全是按照入队列的顺序扩展状态的,也就是说,如果把状态空间看作一个层次图,BFS 每次只遍历这个层次图的一层,然而每个层次中的大部分状态都是没有用的,可不可以不要去碰这些状态呢?另一方面,对于一些特定的问题,从某个状态出发,往往很容易看出一些后继状态是明显没有“前途”的,那么能不能尽量把这些状态延迟取出,以便加速求解(目标状态可能在这些状态开始扩展之前就到达了,这样就省去了扩展这些节点的操作)?
综合以上两种思路,我们考虑为每个状态 u 设计一个函数 h[u](通常叫做这个算法的启发函数),表示我们估计从 u 状态到目标状态的最短路径还有多长,设 h*[u] 表示 u 到目标状态的实际最短路径常数。如果我们能直接计算出任意的 h[u]=h*[u],那么 h[初始状态]=h*[初始状态] 就是答案。但这在大部分的问题中都很难做到。于是我们考虑改进 BFS,每次扩展 h 值最小的状态。但是思考之后可以发现这显然是错的,因为大体上来说一个对于任意一个状态 u 的后继状态 v,一般有 h[u] > h[v],这样算法就很可能朝着一条路径一直搜索下去,即使找到了目标状态也还是不能保证解的最优性。所以我们考虑“经过状态 u 的最短路径的估计函数”f[u](同上设最短路径长度的实际值为 f*[u])。设 g[u]=g*[u] 表示从初始状态到状态 u 的最短路径长度,这可以准确得出,则有:f[u] = g[u] + h[u]。于是算法改为:每次扩展 f 值最小的状态。
但是我们又发现,这样仍然不能保证获得最优解,由于对 h* 估计的不确定性,仍然不能保证第一次找到目标状态时的路径就是最短路径(因为最短路径上的某个状态 u 可能由于错误估计的较大 f[u](h[u]) 值而迟迟得不到扩展),于是我们需要对 h 函数加一些限制,使它能更客观真实地反映一个状态的优劣程度。我们要求对任意状态 u,h[u] 必须满足 h[u] <= h*[u],即 h[u] 是最短路径的下界。
乍一看找不到反例了,但是这种算法的确能保证第一次遇到的解是最优解吗?答案是肯定的,这种算法正是大名鼎鼎的 A* 算法。首先我们将整个算法流程重新描述如下:
定理 1. 如果存在一条从初始状态到目标状态的路径,A* 算法一定可以找到这条路径。
说明:容易看出,A* 算法退化到极致之后就是朴素的 BFS,所以只要 BFS 可以找到解,A* 就一定可以找到解(当然,这种证明对于状态空间是无限的问题来说还是有些牵强,不过勉强还能说得过去吧)。
定理 2. 设最优解为 F*。A* 算法未完成时,队列 queue 中一定存在 F[u] <= F* 的状态 u。
说明:在一条最短路径(s、v1、v2、……、vk、t)上的状态 u 显然满足:
即 u 的估计价值 f[u] 不超过 F*。所以若 A* 算法未完成,则最短路径上的状态就没有全部被扩展,所以一定在这样的状态 u。
定理 3. A* 算法找到的解一定是最优解。
说明:首先根据定理 1,A* 算法一定可以找到解。又根据定理 2,只要 A* 算法未完成,总有 f[u] <= F* 的状态 u,所以 A* 算法每次扩展的状态 u 总有 f[u] <= F*,因而扩展到目标状态时,仍然有 f[t] <= F*,而 F* 为最优解,既有 f[t] = F*,定理得证。
A*可以看成BFS的加强版,或者说BFS就是A*的特殊情况。这里我们在BFS的基础上来逐步介绍A*。我们只考虑路经寻找问题,即寻找从初始状态到目标状态的一条最短路径。我们定义 D[u] 为初始状态到状态 u 的最短路径长度,w[u, v] 为状态 u 到状态 v 的路径长度。
首先我们回顾BFS的过程,我们需要一个队列 queue 保存待扩展节点,一个 hash 表保存待扩展和已经扩展的节点,BFS 过程可以表示如下:
1. 将初始状态加入 queue 和 hash 中
2. while (queue 非空)
3. 取出 queue 尾状态 u
4. 若 u 是目标状态,则 D[u] 为答案,结束算法
5. 枚举每个从状态 u 出发可以到达的状态 v
6. 若从 D[u] + w[u, v] < D[v] 则
7. 更新 D[v] = D[u] + w[u, v]
8. 若 v 不再 hash 中
9. v 入队并加入 hash
10. 不存在所需的路径
不难发现,这个过程与 SPFA 很像。
但是这个算法的效率是很低的,特别对于很多状态空间是无限的问题,BFS可能会迟迟找不到解。究其原因,我们发现,BFS过程完全是按照入队列的顺序扩展状态的,也就是说,如果把状态空间看作一个层次图,BFS 每次只遍历这个层次图的一层,然而每个层次中的大部分状态都是没有用的,可不可以不要去碰这些状态呢?另一方面,对于一些特定的问题,从某个状态出发,往往很容易看出一些后继状态是明显没有“前途”的,那么能不能尽量把这些状态延迟取出,以便加速求解(目标状态可能在这些状态开始扩展之前就到达了,这样就省去了扩展这些节点的操作)?
综合以上两种思路,我们考虑为每个状态 u 设计一个函数 h[u](通常叫做这个算法的启发函数),表示我们估计从 u 状态到目标状态的最短路径还有多长,设 h*[u] 表示 u 到目标状态的实际最短路径常数。如果我们能直接计算出任意的 h[u]=h*[u],那么 h[初始状态]=h*[初始状态] 就是答案。但这在大部分的问题中都很难做到。于是我们考虑改进 BFS,每次扩展 h 值最小的状态。但是思考之后可以发现这显然是错的,因为大体上来说一个对于任意一个状态 u 的后继状态 v,一般有 h[u] > h[v],这样算法就很可能朝着一条路径一直搜索下去,即使找到了目标状态也还是不能保证解的最优性。所以我们考虑“经过状态 u 的最短路径的估计函数”f[u](同上设最短路径长度的实际值为 f*[u])。设 g[u]=g*[u] 表示从初始状态到状态 u 的最短路径长度,这可以准确得出,则有:f[u] = g[u] + h[u]。于是算法改为:每次扩展 f 值最小的状态。
但是我们又发现,这样仍然不能保证获得最优解,由于对 h* 估计的不确定性,仍然不能保证第一次找到目标状态时的路径就是最短路径(因为最短路径上的某个状态 u 可能由于错误估计的较大 f[u](h[u]) 值而迟迟得不到扩展),于是我们需要对 h 函数加一些限制,使它能更客观真实地反映一个状态的优劣程度。我们要求对任意状态 u,h[u] 必须满足 h[u] <= h*[u],即 h[u] 是最短路径的下界。
乍一看找不到反例了,但是这种算法的确能保证第一次遇到的解是最优解吗?答案是肯定的,这种算法正是大名鼎鼎的 A* 算法。首先我们将整个算法流程重新描述如下:
定理 1. 如果存在一条从初始状态到目标状态的路径,A* 算法一定可以找到这条路径。
说明:容易看出,A* 算法退化到极致之后就是朴素的 BFS,所以只要 BFS 可以找到解,A* 就一定可以找到解(当然,这种证明对于状态空间是无限的问题来说还是有些牵强,不过勉强还能说得过去吧)。
定理 2. 设最优解为 F*。A* 算法未完成时,队列 queue 中一定存在 F[u] <= F* 的状态 u。
说明:在一条最短路径(s、v1、v2、……、vk、t)上的状态 u 显然满足:
f[u] = g[u] + h[u] <= g*[u] + h*[u] = f*[u] = F*
即 u 的估计价值 f[u] 不超过 F*。所以若 A* 算法未完成,则最短路径上的状态就没有全部被扩展,所以一定在这样的状态 u。
定理 3. A* 算法找到的解一定是最优解。
说明:首先根据定理 1,A* 算法一定可以找到解。又根据定理 2,只要 A* 算法未完成,总有 f[u] <= F* 的状态 u,所以 A* 算法每次扩展的状态 u 总有 f[u] <= F*,因而扩展到目标状态时,仍然有 f[t] <= F*,而 F* 为最优解,既有 f[t] = F*,定理得证。
8数码 A*
过两天有空写个 A* 的详细解释,也算对这几天研究的一个总结。
过两天有空写个 A* 的详细解释,也算对这几天研究的一个总结。
program number8;
maxState = 100000;
Mask: array [0..9] of Longint = (1000000000, 100000000, 10000000, 1000000, 100000, 10000, 1000, 100, 10, 1);
Ori: array [1..8, 1..2] of Longint = ((1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 3), (3, 2), (3, 1), (2, 1));
TOpenState = record
P, F, G: Longint
TClosedState = record
State, P: Longint
State: array [1..3, 1..3] of Longint;
i, j: Longint;
a, b: Longint;
OpenCount, CloseCount: Longint;
Open: array [1..maxState] of TOpenState;
Closed: array [1..maxState] of TClosedState;
Current, CurrentG: Longint;
procedure Swap(a, b: Longint);
T: TOpenState;
T := Open[a];
Open[a] := Open[b];
Open[b] := T;
Closed[Open[a].P].P := a;
Closed[Open[b].P].P := b
procedure Decrease_Key(t, dstF, dstG: Longint);
u: Longint;
u := t;
Open[u].F := dstF;
Open[u].G := dstG;
while (u > 1) and (Open[u div 2].F > Open[u].F) do
Swap(u, u div 2);
u := u div 2
function Extract_Min: Longint;
u: Longint;
Closed[Open[1].P].P := 0;
Current := Closed[Open[1].P].State;
Extract_Min := Open[1].G;
Open[1] := Open[OpenCount];
u := 1;
while True do
if (u * 2 <= OpenCount) and (Open[u * 2].F < Open[u].F) then
Swap(u, u * 2);
u := u * 2
else if (u * 2 + 1 <= OpenCount) and (Open[u * 2 + 1].F < Open[u].F) then
Swap(u, u * 2 + 1);
u := u * 2 + 1
function CalculateH: Longint;
i, j: Longint;
CalculateH := 0;
for i := 1 to 3 do
for j := 1 to 3 do
if State[i, j] <> 0 then
inc(CalculateH, abs(i - Ori[State[i, j], 1]) + abs(j - Ori[State[i, j], 2]))
procedure Expand(a, b, da, db: Longint);
i, j: Longint;
NowF, NowState: Longint;
Flag: Boolean;
State[a, b] := State[da, db];
State[da, db] := 0;
Flag := False;
NowState := 0;
for i := 1 to 3 do
for j := 1 to 3 do
inc(NowState, State[i, j] * Mask[(i - 1) * 3 + j]);
NowF := CurrentG + 1 + CalculateH;
for i := 1 to CloseCount do
if Closed[i].State = NowState then
Flag := True;
if (Closed[i].P <> 0) and (NowF <= Open[Closed[i].P].F) then
Decrease_Key(Closed[i].P, NowF, CurrentG + 1)
if not Flag then
Closed[CloseCount].State := NowState;
Closed[CloseCount].P := OpenCount;
Open[OpenCount].P := CloseCount;
Open[OpenCount].F := MaxLongint;
Decrease_Key(OpenCount, NowF, CurrentG + 1)
State[da, db] := State[a, b];
State[a, b] := 0
fillchar(Open, sizeof(Open), 0);
fillchar(Closed, sizeof(Closed), 0);
OpenCount := 1;
CloseCount := 1;
Closed[1].P := 1;
Open[1].G := 0;
Open[1].P := 1;
while OpenCount > 0 do
CurrentG := Extract_Min;
if Current = 123804765 then
for i := 1 to 3 do
for j := 1 to 3 do
State[i, j] := Current mod Mask[(i - 1) * 3 + j - 1] div Mask[(i - 1) * 3 + j];
if State[i, j] = 0 then
a := i;
b := j
if a > 1 then
Expand(a, b, a - 1, b);
if a < 3 then
Expand(a, b, a + 1, b);
if b > 1 then
Expand(a, b, a, b - 1);
if b < 3 then
Expand(a, b, a, b + 1)
省选归来已经是一个星期之前的事情了,考的分数还是很让人郁闷的:不过半的280分。有的时候别人问我靠怎么样,我还可以炫耀一下:与第一名只差20分。殊不知,我与第三名只差10分。- -||
这两天貌似很多事情都变了很多。QQ 好友数目呈指数爆炸式增长,五一的 RQNOJ 群变得异常火热。终于认识了传说中带狗牛,看到了 RQ 照片,大家还在 IPSC'09 组了队 ~^_^~(话说register添年龄的时候发现我们三的年龄恰成等差数列)。这样给了今年的 APIO 不少期待。虽然估计这次要考差,但见识到这么多传说中的牛人,也不虚此行吧。
怎么说着说着废话又连篇了。- -|| 就到这里吧,期待 APIO'09,大家共同加油!
这两天貌似很多事情都变了很多。QQ 好友数目呈指数爆炸式增长,五一的 RQNOJ 群变得异常火热。终于认识了传说中带狗牛,看到了 RQ 照片,大家还在 IPSC'09 组了队 ~^_^~(话说register添年龄的时候发现我们三的年龄恰成等差数列)。这样给了今年的 APIO 不少期待。虽然估计这次要考差,但见识到这么多传说中的牛人,也不虚此行吧。
怎么说着说着废话又连篇了。- -|| 就到这里吧,期待 APIO'09,大家共同加油!
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